From pestilential Davos-Man,
This yearly tryst by Alpine fires
Of well-healed Inequality deniers’
Agog for more of ad-man Sorrell’s
‘Because-they-know-we’re-worth-it’ morals.
What ‘World’ is it that claims a quorum
In this ‘World Economic Forum’?
Where are the women (one-in-five?)
Keeping its sexist dreams alive?
How many cocktail hours elapse
Before these obscene earnings gaps
Stir to some reluctant action
This bonus-fat financial faction?
Pray, grant us lesser-fry the wills –
(Us don’t-get-ins, but-pay-the-bills–)
To keep in mind when next we’re voting
This noxious cosying and doting,
When spineless politicians meet
These self-styled corporate elites;
Pre-groomed for peak-time camera focus,
Deep-versed in PR hocus-pocus.
Above all, may it be Thy wish
To raise, above their gibberish,
Those richer voices, dimmed of late,
Who want their World back, and its fate;
So other kids can go to bed
Well fed with, ringing in their head,
Stories of how an old god winked,
Pronouncing Davos-Man extinct.
First published January 2014